How to install gulp less

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Before starting the exact installation process, let us first understand what are preprocessors and how ‘less’ is useful in development. With this hope that we all know CSS, let us try to understand what do PreProcessor mean? In computers, we can say pre-processor means a program that takes an input and produces an output that in return can be used […]

gulp sass -npm

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Before diving into the procedure, how to install the gulp-sass, we have to make sure that we have installed gulp in our system. Let’s brush the gulp installation process. If you have not installed before,gulp have to make sure you install it globally first. Start by running,npm install -g gulp once that has completed we need to add […]

SASS installation in detail

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SASS stands for Syntactically Awesome Style Sheet. It is a CSS preprocessor language. SASS provides many features like variable, operator, mixin etc just like other programming language does. It reduces the CSS development time. Install The following are steps for the SASS set up in Linux Step 1: Install Ruby using apt package manager, rbenv, […]

What is Less and how to install less with NPM

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Before explaining what is LESS and how to install less, please make sure we know the HTML and CSS. Then only it will be useful and meaningful for you to know how using less makes our job easy. LESS is a CSS pre-processor that gives us the flexibility to write a customizable, manageable and reusable […]

What is SCSS and how to install it with NPM (Node Package Manager)

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What is SCSS SCSS is an advanced version of SASS, which stands for Syntactically Awesome Style Sheet. It is a CSS preprocessor language. SCSS provides many features like variable, operator, mixin etc just like other programming language does. It reduces the CSS development time to a large degree. How to install it with NPM (Node Package Manager) The […]